component template

a SAOJS template for one react components


Build Status Build Status Version Chat License: MIT JavaScript Style Guide Greenkeeper badge


  • Bundle lib(commonjs) and es module format
  • Semantic release manages npm package publishment
  • Babel@7 for transpiling
  • Typescript support
  • Sass support
  • Storybook for examples and local dev, and auto deploy to gh-pages in CI
  • Jest for unit test
  • TravisCI and CircleCI integrations
  • Greenkeeper to manage update for npm dependencies
  • Tslint and prettier for code styles


recommend node >= 8

Install SAOJS first.

npm i -g sao

Create a new component

From git(recommend)

cd my-component
sao one-react/component-template --update // force using latest

From npm

cd my-component
sao or-template --update

After answering necessary questions, the component initial process begins:

  • Copy files from this template
  • Install node modules by npm
  • Initialize git repo

Then the project structrue should be like this:

dir tree view


Must install dependencies under both root dir and examples dir firstly

cd examples
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:9001 to see your component running in browser.

Npm package publish

Semantic release will release the package by SemVer in CI process(only master branch)

Docs/examples deployment

Bundles from examples will be deployed in CI process(only master branch)


MIT © <%= username %>